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My Wine Is Amazing!
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My Wine Is Amazing!
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720px Wide x 640px Height – “It’s important to approach a role like this with humility,” adds Renée, “and with the knowledge that I am a part of an ongoing story-that I am contributing to the legacy of a great winery.”
Sample Event
720px Wide x 640px Height – “It’s important to approach a role like this with humility,” adds Renée, “and with the knowledge that I am a part of an ongoing story-that I am contributing to the legacy of a great winery.”
Sample Event 2
720px Wide x 640px Height – “It’s important to approach a role like this with humility,” adds Renée, “and with the knowledge that I am a part of an ongoing story-that I am contributing to the legacy of a great winery.”
Convinced by Benjamin Franklin and under the sponsorship of Thomas Jefferson’s merchant friend John Adams, on September 2nd, 1773 an Italian viticulturist from Tuscany named Filippo Mazzei (or Philip Mazzei) set off to Virginia with European vines. Mazzei was headed to Augusta County, where the Virginia Legislature had promised him land. En route, Mazzei and Adams s
Convinced by Benjamin Franklin and under the sponsorship of Thomas Jefferson’s merchant friend John Adams, on September 2nd, 1773 an Italian viticulturist from Tuscany named Filippo Mazzei (or Philip Mazzei) set off to Virginia with European vines. Mazzei was headed to Augusta County, where the Virginia Legislature had promised him land. En route, Mazzei and Adams s
Convinced by Benjamin Franklin and under the sponsorship of Thomas Jefferson’s merchant friend John Adams, on September 2nd, 1773 an Italian viticulturist from Tuscany named Filippo Mazzei (or Philip Mazzei) set off to Virginia with European vines. Mazzei was headed to Augusta County, where the Virginia Legislature had promised him land. En route, Mazzei and Adams s
Convinced by Benjamin Franklin and under the sponsorship of Thomas Jefferson’s merchant friend John Adams, on September 2nd, 1773 an Italian viticulturist from Tuscany named Filippo Mazzei (or Philip Mazzei) set off to Virginia with European vines. Mazzei was headed to Augusta County, where the Virginia Legislature had promised him land. En route, Mazzei and Adams s
David Kreindel and Shane Erickson, Owners
Shane grew up in Lewiston, Idaho and graduated from Washington State University with a degree in Food Science and has worked as a director in Food Safety and Environmental Affairs for much of his career.
He completed his certification from WSU in Enology and is currently working to finish his studies in Viticulture. His hobbies include clock and watch collecting and repair, swimming, and participating in triathlons around the Northwest.
David grew up in Southern California and gained his initial appreciation of wine as a foreign student in France. He subsequently earned his BA degree in French from California State University and put his language skills to work throughout his career in international tourism and hospitality sales.
David Kreindel and Shane Erickson can be contacted at
Walla Walla Vineyard Management, Professional Management Team
Walla Walla Vineyard Management is a family owned business that provides consulting in all areas of viticulture and winemaking. Their business assists in selecting appropriate varietals, design and install vineyards of all sizes, vineyard irrigation needs, as well as all aspects of wine making from harvest to bottle.
Leo, Vineyard Dog
Every vineyard needs a vineyard dog.
Leo can be contacted at